Thursday, April 21, 2022

How to become a Big Data Analyst?


What is Big Data and who is a Big Data Analyst?

Gartner defines Big Data as essentially “high-volume, high-velocity and high-variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making”. Over the years, a fourth property has also been attributed to Big Data and that being ‘veracity’. Veracity refers to poor quality unverified data, derived from uncertain and unauthorized sources. Such data in itself might result in contradictory results and unreliable outcomes. Hence there is a need to leverage such unrefined Data making them suitable for analytics. This is the task of a Big Data Analyst.

How to become a Big Data Analyst?: Step by Step Guide

In this section, we shall seek to deal with the question of how to become Big Data Analyst, at length. 

Acquire a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, possible with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math) background

Graduation in a relevant academic discipline with specialization in STEM subjects can be a big career boost for individuals aspiring to be a Big Data Analyst. Knowledge of STEM disciplines is regarded to be crucial in terms of imparting understanding of the basics of Data Science, including that of Statistics, Mathematics and Programming. 

Acquiring Relevant Skills

As you seek to know how to become a Big Data Analyst; it is important to remember that the first step towards achieving your goal is quite likely to begin with you, acquiring skills in consonance with the demands of the field of Big Data Analytics.  As such, a Big Data Analyst is an IT professional who possesses an optimum mixture of technical/hard as well as non-technical/soft skills. Some of these most important Big Data Analyst Skills have been highlighted in the sections above. 

Look for Entry-Level Jobs and Internships

While it is good to keep honing your skills and indulge in live projects and case studies; it is equally important to acquire hands-on experience of what it is really like to work as a Big Data Analyst in the real world. You can gain the taste of the same through applying for internships and entry level data analyst jobs which would help you get the hang of the profession you are eventually aspiring to be a part of. Internship programs in Data Analysis can be a great start. Similarly, in-house training programs in Statistical Analysis, Big Data Management and so on, can be of huge help too. 

Earn Advanced Degree/Certifications

Advanced degrees like Masters in Big Data Management, Data Analytics or Data Science, can be a huge plus point as it will add a competitive edge to your resume as well as will open up considerable new opportunities for you within the domain of Big Data Analyst jobs. On the contrary, if you do not have an advanced degree, you can take recourse to acquiring Big Data Analyst Certification which can help you begin your journey in the field. Similarly, you can also opt for getting enrolled into bootcamps which provide a cost effective solution to earning Big Data Analyst Certification and developing skills in technical fields. Syntax Technologies, provide you with exactly such an exciting opportunity where we help you initiate your career as a Big Data Analyst                    


Given the rapidly expanding domain of Data Analytics, there are ample career opportunities for you as an aspiring Big Data Analyst. Being guaranteed of handsome remuneration packages and considerable opportunities for growth; the question of how to become a Big Data Analyst, is a logical query. This article provides you with a rough career roadmap on the same.

Syntax Technologies

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